What is BPY? Features, use cases and how to use BPY on Boundlesspay

3 min readJul 6, 2020


Have you been searching for that one digital currency that stands out from the crowd of cryptocurrencies? Do you desire to invest in an asset where your interests are protected? A platform where you can earn a passive income from the comfort of your home? You have just arrived at your destination. Look no further!.

Introducing Boundlesspay

Boundlesspay as one of Bitfxt Technology’s subsidiaries has been in the news for a while. Since the hedging announcement, enquiries have been made as to what Boundlesspay is and the use cases of the BPAY Coin. It is important for users to understand the uniqueness and peculiarities of the Boundlesspay coin.

So, in this post, I will share with you the features and use cases of BPY. Keep reading….

Before we begin, you might find the information contained in this video helpful during the course of your trade on Bitfxt Exchange. WATCH HERE.

On Boundlesspay

The word Boundless simply means No Limitation or Not bound by Anything. Therefore, Boundlesspay is essentially a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) system that allows you to make transactions globally with no limitations. With Boundlesspay, your transactions are swift, secure, convenient, affordable and boundless. With our focus on Decentralised Finance (DeFi), users can make payments for utility services, micro savings opportunities, subscribe to educational packages and lots more.

Pro tip: You might want to check out the EARN section of the platform in the menu panel. Sign up for an account HERE and login. Don’t forget to set up a Two-factor authentication for your account to add an extra layer of security to your funds. If you are new to setting up a 2FA, WATCH THIS VIDEO to learn how.

Unveiling the Coin

The BPAY Coin (BPY) was introduced in 2020 as a stable coin pegged to a dollar. It is unlike any stable coin you have ever seen on the Blockchain. Packed with exciting features, the Boundlesspay coin (BPY) has an amazing array of use cases some of which are;

  1. Utility bill payments
  2. Micro payments
  3. It can be used as a tool for global remittances
  4. As payment for every service offered by Bitfxt and subsidiary
  5. Payment for Forex, Binary Options and Cryptocurrency Educational Packages.
  6. Can be used to hedge against inflation.
  7. Used as collateral to take crypto based loans on BPAY mobile app
  8. Can be traded against BTC, NGN and Other coins on Bitfxt Exchange
  9. Adopted by other exchanges and merchants as a stable coin

…and so much more.

How To Use BPY on Boundlesspay

Now that you have successfully signed up for an account on Boundlesspay, you should move to the next step of funding it. There are two methods of funding your Boundlesspay wallet. They are; Crypto Option and Card Option. My favourite method of funding my account is the Card Option through Flutterwave. It is fast and easy with the lowest transaction fee. So, ensure you have signed up and proceed to fund your account. Next thing to do is to explore the use cases mentioned above and make your selection. We also offer the following bill payments and utility services;

More exciting services and opportunities will be added to the Boundlesspay platform in the coming months. Stay with us!.

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Scarlet is a web 3 writer with expert knowledge in Blockchain and DeFi